Table Read of our in house scripts

Kristen here. Today we had our table reads of the two in-house scripts Blood Mask and the untitled Contagion movie by Mikos.

Blood Mask read more humorously than we thought it would, though admittedly we wrote some scenes to be funny. What we don’t want is a horror comedy, so Blood Mask needs work. It needs work on the plot and it needs work on delivering the scares. Some of the scenes are grotesque, and it was hard to read out loud. We need to make sure that we have a reason to be grotesque and that it fits the story and characters. But the dialogue was very natural and flowed well. The opening gets you right into the story and the end scene works.

Mikos’ Contagion movie read well. It has a clear and interesting plot, but the first ten pages need work. We need to know more about the characters and like/ dislike some of them more. He will be the first to tell you that the characters need work. But his plot is there, and it is unique and has quite a bit of tension. The table read helped him to know parts where the plot slowed down a bit and he is working on some adjustments tonight.

We will wait to hear the opinions about the two scripts before Mikos, Scott and I make the final decision. Really, we like to hear your thoughts. Next week after our meeting, we will reveal the winning script of our one year feature film project. So stay tuned!

One comment

  1. Reblogged this on Jake Bassi and commented:
    I was a part of this table read and one of these scripts I had a lot of fun. Can’t wait for what’s next!


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