Setups and Payoffs in the Screenplay

Kristen here. It has been some time since my last blog post, I apologize for that. But we realized that to get investors, we need an amazing script. What we have is a very good script, and we have taken some time to get feedback from readers. We are now on the 8th daft of the script, and it is getting better all the time.

What I’ve been learning is the importance of construction of careful setup and payoff. Details in each scene matter and if something seems strange or calls attention to itself, the audience will see it as a clue. There is a game that is played where an engaged audience wants to figure out what happens next. So when we drop clues we need to remember to tie that clue into the mystery and have some payoff for those who noticed.

What we realized with our beta readers is that we spelled out too many of the details. Once we establish one thing, we don’t need to go on and on with it. We need to leave room for an audience’s creativity and imagination to fill in the gaps. This 8th draft focuses on these clues.

After this draft we plan to submit our script to competitions and get good reviews so that we have buzz and can show investors that we are not alone in thinking this is a great story. More updates soon!

Here is a good blog post on setups and payoffs in cinema:

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